Friday, February 19, 2021

NFSMW Car VLT Values Documentation

This document is based on the MWPS templates by FOX (a.k.a Lexal), with some changes and additions. It might not be 100% accurate as well.

Node: frontend/vehicles/<region>/<brand>/<model>

Cost: car's in-game cost in Career Mode

IsCustomizable: determines whether the car can be added to Career garage/My Cars; if set to false, it will appear in Bonus category only.

manufacturer: sets the manufacturer logo, check list of manufacturers in NFSMW Unlimiter's UnlimiterData\_CarManufacturers ini file.

region: car's region
values: 0=north_america; 1=japan; 2=europe

UnlockedAt: determines at what BL position of player in career mode the car gets unlocked.

Node: pvehicle/default/<class>/<section>/<name>

To change the amount of stuff like TurboSND, brake_updates, etc., right click on the pvehicle node of the car, select Edit Fields and change the array size of the element you want.

TurboSND: sound used for the turbo/supercharger

VerbalType: copspeech related: code determines what cops will call your car

MASS: self-explanatory: mass of car expressed in kilograms

MODEL: sets up the collision (Collision64/Collision) from GLOBALB and the model (Visual)

engineaudio: sound used for the engine

TENSOR_SCALE: seems to be overall handling speed scale balancing
the bigger 2nd value is the slower the car will respond to steering input
countered by increasing of 1st and 3rd value

HandlingRating: used to set min and max handling bars length: doesn't take effect from base or end grip values but its increase is dependent on chassis and tires values
values range from 37-98 for 1st set and 90-100 for 2nd set

brakes: sets up brake nodes to use

chassis: sets up chassis nodes to use

engine: sets up engine nodes to use

tires: sets up tires nodes to use

transmission: sets up transmission nodes to use

induction: sets up induction nodes to use

brakes_upgrades: amount of brake upgrades the car has.

induction_upgrades: amount of turbo/supercharger upgrades the car has.

tires_upgrades: amount of tires upgrades the car has.

engine_upgrades: amount of tire upgrades the car has.

transmission_upgrades: amount of transmission upgrades the car has.

nos_upgrades: amount of nitrous upgrades the car has.

chassis_upgrades: amount of chassis upgrades the car has.

Node: ecar/default/<class>/<name>

BodyDive: maximum vector-based movement of front of car body
1st value - Degrees/G
2nd value - Max G
3rd value - Degrees/sec

RideHeight: (in-race only) visible body height

in format x, y, z, w
x axis: car front = +, car rear = -
y axis: left side = +, right = -
z axis: up = +, down = - note: will move WHEELS [up or down] regarding CAR BODY, during race body will be on normal level
unlike wheels that might be BELOW ground
w - wheel diameter scaling: measured in (overall wheel size in mm/2)/1000; you can measure overall tire size in or you can calculate the game wheel diameter directly using this formula: (((tire width in mm*sidewall number divided by 100)*2+rim size in mm)/1000)/2
NOTE: CAR BODY height will be changed to match wheel size
all axles have point 0 in center of line between front left and rear right wheel or between front right and rear left

BodySquat: maximum vector-based movement of rear of car body
1st value - Degrees/G
2nd value - Max G
3rd value - Degrees/sec

CamberRear: angle between the vertical axis of the wheel and the vertical axis of the vehicle
positive values for bottom of wheel being further out than top, negative for opposite effect
common value is 0.18

CamberFront: angle between the vertical axis of the wheel and the vertical axis of the vehicle
positive values for bottom of wheel being further out than top, negative for opposite effect
common value is 0.22

FECompressions: used to adjust height of car body regarding wheels in frontend menus
common value range is 2x0.10-2x0.20

TireSkidWidth: aka tire width
values are 2x0.(tire width in mm)

TireSkidWidthKitScale: tire width per kit
default values are 2x1; values are a multiplier of TireSkidWidth

WheelSpokeCount: number of spokes in rims
common value range N/A since it differs per car

KitWheelOffsetRear: used to move wheels along axis Y when bodykits are used
values range from 0 to 128: applies to REAR axle

KitWheelOffsetFront: used to move wheels along axis Y when bodykits are used
values range from 0 to 128: applies to FRONT axle

ReflectionOffset: distance of floor reflection from car model in frontend.
values range from -0.15 to 0.05

BodyRoll: maximum vector-based movement of entire car body towards left or right
simply put - car body leaning sideways
1st value - Degrees/G
2nd value - Max G
3rd value - Degrees/sec

Node: brakes/default/<name>

BRAKES: overall braking power per axle
common value range is 300/400-650/700: mass dependent

EBRAKE: handbrake power: should be larger than BRAKES value by at least 10% and larger than overall car horsepower
common value range is 400-800: mass dependent

BRAKE_LOCK: BRAKES field values multiplier and braking force distribution ratio
common value range is 1.00 for front axle and 3.20-3.60 for rear axle

Node: chassis/default/<name>

WHEEL_BASE: distance between the centers of the front and rear wheels
common value range N/A since it differs per car

DRAG_COEFFICIENT: air resistance of object travelling in a non-vacuum environment such as air
common value range is 0.25-0.42

SHOCK_VALVING: shock absorber oil flow restriction
common value range is 2x15-2x24

RIDE_HEIGHT: aka ground clearance
common value range is 2x6-2x9

SHOCK_STIFFNESS: minimum pressure inside shock absorber in pounds per square inch
common value range is 2x30-2x80: acceleration and mass-dependent

SHOCK_BLOWOUT: maximum size by which a dampener can compress in inches: stock same as upgraded
common value range is 5-8

SHOCK_EXT_STIFFNESS: maximum shock absorber rebound force
common value range is 2x40-2x80: acceleration-, downforce- and mass-dependent

SWAYBAR_STIFFNESS: self-explanatory: probably expressed in pounds per square inch
common value range is 2x200-2x450: acceleration and mass dependent

ROLL_CENTER: vertical center of gravity [probably in inches]
common value range is 8-10

TRAVEL: maximum length by which a shock can be extended if car wheels don't have contact with road surface: stock commonly higher than upgraded
common value range is 2x6-2x8: acceleration and mass dependent

SPRING_STIFFNESS: overall coilover pressure in pounds square inch
common value range is 2x400-2x700

AERO_CG: overall distribution of aerodynamic force on the car body: values between 0 and 100: 0 for max in rear, 100 for max in front
common value range is 47-51

SPRING_PROGRESSION: maximum compression speed/rate for spring to achieve maximum stiffness: stock smaller than upgraded higher values will make springs stiffer faster so car won't shove ground on slopes but will also increase bouncing on curbs
common value range is 2x5-2x8

TRACK_WIDTH: axle length: distance between wheels on a single axle: measured in metres
common value range N/A since it differs per car

SHOCK_DIGRESSION: digressive shocks provide smoother ride at higher speeds and absorb body roll also improving cornering: smaller value for smoother ride
common value range is 2x0.1-2x0.5

RENDER_MOTION: dependent on ecar node settings in body roll, dive and squat: used as a multiplier of the mentioned values to calculate car body movement
common value range is 0.50-1.00

AERO_COEFFICIENT: used to define car aerodynamics factor and overall downforce: value too small will make it slow and too high will push it down to ground too hard making it difficult to drive and car will be constantly hitting road due to excessive amount of downforce
common value range is 0.15-0.30

FRONT_AXLE: front axle diameter in inches
common value range is 1.2-1.5

FRONT_WEIGHT_BIAS: overall mass distribution: values from 0 to 100: 0 for max rear bias: 100 for max front bias
common value range is 51-55

Node: engine/default/<name>

ENGINE_BRAKING: multiplies maximum torque at current gear and uses it to calculate speed loss with no throttle used
common value range is 0.70-0.90

IDLE: minimum operating speed of engine necessary to sustain its work but not enough to move drivetrain components
common value range is 800-950

TORQUE: self-explanatory: up to 15 torque values can be used but element count needs to be declared first
common value range N/A since it differs per car

MAX_RPM: maximum operating speed of engine before its destruction [drag racing only]
common value range N/A since it differs per car

FLYWHEEL_MASS: the higher the mass, the higher the maximum inertia moment and therefore larger amounts of kinetic energy can be stored also the lower the mass, the faster the top speed can be achieved and maintained
common value range is 9-15

RED_LINE: maximum safe operating speed of engine
common value range N/A since it differs per car

Node: induction/default/<name>_base/<name>_top | induction/default/<name>/<name>_top

AIR_PRESSURE*: commonly 0.25



PSI_ARROW_MOVE_SPEED*: always higher value for stock

PSI: maximum pressure of air taken into the turbine
common value range is 12-15

SPOOL: turbine lag: 0 for 'supercharger': anything higher will give 'turbo' upgrade
common value range is 0.00-0.20

BOOST_VARIANCE*: pressure drop/rise in chamber

Node: tires/default/<name>

SECTION_WIDTH: self-explanatory: measured in milimetres
common value range N/A since it differs per car

YAW_CONTROL: equivalent of section-based traction and stability control system: values 1 and 2 for front: values 3 and 4 for rear
effect similar to dynamic mass bias shifting: highly dependent on WEIGHT_BIAS, AERO_CG, TORQUE_SPLIT and DYNAMIC/STATIC_GRIP values
common value range N/A since it differs per car: mass and acceleration dependent

DYNAMIC_GRIP: amount of friction the tires produce when traction is broken, ie when the car is sliding or in a burnout
common value range N/A since it differs per car: mass and acceleration dependent

RIM_SIZE: self-explanatory: measured in inches
common value range is 2x16-2x19

YAW_SPEED: self-explanatory: rate at which car enters yaw state
common value range is 0.30-0.70

ASPECT_RATIO: self-explanatory: ratio of section height to section width
common value range is 2x30-2x55

STATIC_GRIP: static grip is the amount of friction the tires are able to produce when they are not spinning, though they can be rolling
common value range N/A since it differs per car: mass and acceleration dependent

GRIP_SCALE: tire grip scaling per axle
common value range is 2x1.00-2x1.10

STEERING: steering ratio: value of 1.00 means that turning steering wheel by 360 degrees will turn wheels by 36 degrees
common value range is 0.90-1.10

Node: transmission/default/<name>

To change the amount of gears, right click on the transmission node of the car, select Edit Fields and change the array size of GEAR_RATIO (amount of forward gears+neutral+reverse; 9 gears maximum)

GEAR_RATIO: drivetrain power transfer ratios
common value range N/A since it differs per car

DIFFERENTIAL: self-explanatory: differential bias: 0.00 for rear, 0.50 for mid and 1.00 for front
setting towards front will lock the front wheels more, causing the car to be prone to oversteer: inverse effect if bias set towards rear
common value range is 2x0.60-2x0.80: 3x0.60-3x0.80 if car is AWD

GEAR_EFFICIENCY: overall power multiplier on current gear and rpm used to quickly change speed at each gear without any major reconfigurations
common value set is 9x1.00

TORQUE_CONVERTER: percentage ratio of torque converter efficiency with automatic transmission usage
common value range is 0.20-0.80

TORQUE_SPLIT: torque-to-axle transfer ratio: 0 for RWD, 0.5 for AWD and 1 for FWD
common value range N/A since it differs per car

CLUTCH_SLIP: self-explanatory: manual gearbox efficiency ratio
common value range is 0.70-0.90

SHIFT_SPEED: shifting interval: stock [should be] higher than upgraded
common value range is 0.10-0.25

FINAL_GEAR: final gear ratio determining top speed
common value range N/A since it differs per car


  1. Is there a way to change a Turbo car to NA, like not upgrades to supercharger, but change the car that comes with a stock turbo to not have it before upgrades?

    I added Addon car with Binary using your guide, car was changing RX7, so I copied its values like collisions, and VltEd stats etc., but that make it have ridiculous performance, and I kinda understand how to downgrade the rest, but don't know how to remove turbo from stock version.

    I tried setting SPOOL to 0, didn't help, boost gauge still appeared and car made turbo sounds on gear shifts. I noticed naturally aspirated cars have Induction Capacity at 3 with "induction > default" as first line in pvehicle but it doesn't let me edit that.

    1. set the first induction node and the TurboSND of the car to "default" in the car's pvehicle node.

    2. Oh I missed the TurboSND... Is there any way to increase Capacity/Count of induction node? They're all grayed-out and set to 2. I ended up deleting pvehicle and copied it from a NA car and now it has proper 3 with default in first then base and top.

    3. Right click on the car's pvehicle node and click on Edit Fields, then look for the induction node and adjust the count

    4. Thanks! One last question, what values change car drive train, say from RWD to FWD or AWD? Is it related to transmission tab?

    5. yes, concretely the TORQUE_SPLIT value

    6. Duh it's in this guide, no idea how I missed it! XD Thanks again!

  2. hi AJ_Lethal, can you please tell how can i edit de IA oponnents and Cops Skill Level? i want make races and pursuit much harder :))

  3. Hi,

    i am trying to replicate the performance values of bmw from most wanted into carbon. After looking at vlted values, i realized that carbon bmw has been nerfed. Especially for top speed and handling. so i have been pasting in values from most wanted. But still i am unable to replicate the mw bmw into carbon completely.
    Following are the areas in which i changed the values.

    Pvehicle - weight, verbal type
    Turbo and Nos i left out since i feel they are nerfed in mw.

    Please suggest if there are any more fields that i should edit to give the exact most wanted bmw performance in carbon

    1. IIRC Carbon has a slightly different performance model compared to MW, so results may vary even with the same values

  4. whats the differenece in transmission/default/ and transmission/default//_top

  5. can you make the camerainfo documentation?
    i already try how to change them. but for me, only height that works for me. anything just doesnt seem to work
